Create skeletons of your favorite deceased celebrities with our theme: Skele-brity. Engage the public in a new take to see your favorite pop culture icons by transforming them into whimsical, bone-chilling versions of themselves!

All entry submissions will be on display at The Health Museum through early November.

Entry Categories

School Categories

Open to public, private, and home schools. A school official must sponsor all school entries. Schools are encouraged to create their own competition at their campuses.

  • Elementary (Gr. PK-5)
  • Middle (Gr. 6-8)
  • High School (Gr. 9-12)
Open Category

Open to individuals and organizations of any type that do not fit the school category. Examples include (but not limited to) community or religious groups, sports teams, clubs, businesses, families, neighbors, or even a group of friends.

A parent/guardian must sponsor all entries for individuals less than 18 years of age.

Important Dates & Deadlines

August 19Entry submission opens
October 15Last day to submit entry
October 18-20Skeleton Drop off
October 22Siege of the Skeletons exhibition opens to the public
November 4Skeleton pickup: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Construction Materials

  • In previous years, skeleton creators have used paper-mâché or plaster casting material with gauze along with chicken wire, garden wire, and of course – duct tape! Feel free to experiment with new materials or stay with the tried and true – it’s up to you!
  • Each skeleton can include props and decorations of any type to help depict the theme.
  • There are some great websites that give hints and tips for construction – just type “paper-mâché skeletons” on your search engine.
  • Looking for more inspiration? Checkout last year’s Siege of Skeletons with the theme “FEARy Tale”

Size & Display Requirements

  • Entries should be suitable for tabletop display, no taller than 18″ and fit within a 1′ x 1′ footprint.
  • Entries must sit or stand alone without any assistance. For a seated skeleton, participants must provide and bring their own “seating” for their skeleton. For a standing skeleton, participants must ensure that it will remain freestanding throughout the display.
  • No props or materials will be available onsite at The Health Museum, nor will it take responsibility for maintaining entries’ stability.

Terms & Conditions

  • All submissions must be original works created by the artist/caregiver. Plagiarism or copyright infringement will result in disqualification.
  • Submitted artwork must not include any logo or branding.
  • There is no limit of participants per skeleton entry. It could be an individual, team, or a class. However, there is only one prize awarded for the winning skeleton in each category.
  • The Health Museum is NOT responsible for the transportation of artwork.
  • If your artwork is chosen, you are responsible for arranging delivery and pick-up of artwork. Late deliveries may not be accepted.
  • Entries must be tastefully rendered. Questionable subject matter will be disqualified under discretion of The Health Museum.

Ready to create your own skeleton?

After Entry Submission

Please contact to schedule the drop off time for your entry. The drop off hours are: Fri 10/18 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Sat 10/19 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, Sun 10/20 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm.

Every entry also needs to sign a photo release form provided by The Health Museum.

Museum Arrival & Parking

Please park on The Health Museum’s surface lot, you can enter through on Hermann Drive. You will be provided with a parking token to exit the lot for free. The Health Museum is not responsible for parking in other lots or on the street.

Please enter through the Crawford Street Entrance, and check in at the admissions desk upon arrival. We will check your entry based on our mandatory guidelines. The Museum reserves the right to refuse entries that do not meet required guidelines.

What if My Skeleton Needs Extra Support?

Please plan on ensuring your skeleton will “survive” transport. The Health Museum will not provide any repair supplies to improve the structural integrity of your skeleton. All standing entries must be self-supported, and all seated entries must have their own props.

Return of Artwork

All entries must be picked up at the Health Museum on Monday November 4, between 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. If you need special accommodations for pickup at a later/earlier, please reach out to our team before November 1.

Voting Process

Visitors will vote for their favorite skeleton through the museum website, from October 22 – October 30.

Permission & Waivers

By entering the artist gives The Health Museum permission to use their artwork for promotional and non-commercial purposes. Please make sure to submit your photo release form before October 15.


  • Winning individual or family entries will receive Family Membership at The Museum
  • Group entries will receive guest passes to The Museum
  • Plus Gift Cards
Gabi Zalamea

Gabi Zalamea

Guest Services Managergzalamea@thehealthmuseum.org713-521-1515 x 159

Please reach out for additional questions about the Siege of the Skeletons. Thank you for joining us!